Udacity News Article Evaluation

The goal of this project is to implement the following:

  • Webpack
  • Express server
  • Sass
  • Webpack Loaders and Plugins
  • Service workers
  • Using APIs and creating requests to external urls

This project uses the Aylien API which allows you to use Natural Language Processing. NLPs leverage machine learning and deep learning to create a program that can interpret natural human speech. Copy the url of an article that you would like to analyze the sentiment of and paste it into the form in the browser. The app will return the sentiment of the article, the text of the article, and the confidence level of the analysis.

Getting started

You will need to signup for your own API key for the Aylien API

You can go here. Create a new .env file in the root of your project and add your key:


Set up

  • yarn to install packages
  • yarn start to start your Express server
  • yarn build-prod to bundle for production and generate the dist folder
  • or
  • yarn build-dev to run your webpack dev server
  • With the Express server running, run yarn test to run tests

This project uses nodemon to run the Node server. If you do not have nodemon installed simply swap out nodemon for node in your package.json start script.

The Express server can be accessed in the browser at http://localhost:3000 The Webpack dev server can be accessed in the browser at http://localhost:8080