
A project with all the necessary files to build a raspberry pi k3s cluster with alpine as the base OS

Primary LanguageShell

Raspberry Pi K3S Cluster

This project is based on: raspi-alpine

Forked from: ryanrf/rpi-k8s-alpine

Base image


If you want to build the image on architecture different then the pi's (e.g. build the image on an x86 system and have the images run on arm/ aarch64) just run:

docker run --privileged --rm multiarch/qemu-user-static --persistent yes

this is already installed if using docker desktop

Which pi?

While you can try using at least a raspberry pi 3B+, a raspberry pi 4 is definitely recommended for all worker nodes. The control node should be fine being raspberry pi 3, but it will be slow.

In the future S3 backup of the state file will be added here, but for now, remember that with k3s there is no etcd. The state of the kubernetes cluster is stored in a sqlite file.


The image_builder directory contains all relevant files to build raspberry pi alpine images. Specifically, the build_image.sh script will build the image and write it to the sd card.

Please remember to check the device of the sdcard (sudo fdisk -l), don't just copy /dev/sdc from the examples


Build the image and write to sd card (at /dev/sdc)

./build_image.sh all /dev/sdc

Just build the image

./build_image.sh build

Just write the image to the sdcard

./build_image write /dev/sdc


The ansible directory contains the relevant files for pushing the initial k3s configuration as well as some initial housekeeping, e.g. setting the hostname, setting up any ssh keys. Ansible make it easy to template out configurations as well as provides ansible vault for encrypting any secrets, like the k3s agent token. Keep in mind that packages cannot be installed using ansible without first remounting the root volume with read/write permissions, (or setting up a bind mount to directory on a writable drive).

Make sure to add your own hosts to the inventory.yaml file, where you can set some host specific options, like taints, labels, etc. Check the existing one for examples.

Provisioning a new host

Assuming you've built the image and written it to the SD card (./build_image.sh build, then ./build_iamge.sh write /dev/sdc or just ./build_image.sh all /dev/sdc), you'll then need to have ansible setup the host with:

ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass provision.yaml

Once ansible finishes the hosts should start up k3s.

Upgrading an existing host

Once an SD card has the proper partition structure (two read-only filesystems, with a writable data partition), the SD cards can be updated without removing them from the raspberry pi node (pretty neat, eh?)

Just make sure to update your existing image (./build_iamge.sh build), then run ansible with:

ansible-playbook upgrade_image.yaml

you can optionally limit the host to upgrade with -l host like this:

ansible-playbook -l host.domain.com upgrade_image.yaml
