
TradeSpace is an online platform that aims to provide a convenient and user-friendly way for individuals to sell their used products. The platform will serve as a marketplace where sellers can list their items and connect with potential buyers who are interested in purchasing pre-owned goods.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Shows an illustrated sun in light color mode and a moon with stars in dark color mode.


TradeSpace is an online platform that aims to provide a convenient and user-friendly way for individuals to sell their used products. The platform will serve as a marketplace where sellers can list their items and connect with potential buyers who are interested in purchasing pre-owned goods.

Check out our mock UI here

Check out our API Documentation here

Things to do after pulling or cloning

  • For backend

    1. Go to backend directory and install dependencies by

      cd backend
      yarn install
    2. Now start the server by

      yarn start

      If the above command doesn't work or creates any issue whatsoever, you can run the following command

      yarn dev

      Now the backend server will be available at localhost:3000

    3. To start the initial migration of the database, run the following commands

      yarn prisma generate
      yarn prisma migrate dev --name init --create-only

      This will create the database and the required tables in the database. You dont have to run this command again unless you delete the entire database. After any changes in the database schema, you can run the following command to update the database After creating a table:

      yarn prisma migrate deploy
    4. Download the latest stripe-cli from here. Then login using

      stripe login

      and provide the required credentials. Then run the following command to start the webhook listener

      stripe listen --forward-to <your_local_backend_server_url>/api/webhooks

      now add the stripe webhook signing secret to the STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET in .env file in the backend directory

  • For frontend

    1. Go to frontend directory and install dependencies by

      cd frontend
      yarn add @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled
    2. Now start the server by

      yarn start

      Now the frontend server will be available at localhost:3000