
A Bloom Filter implementation made in V

Primary LanguageVMIT LicenseMIT

Bloom Filter

Bloom filter implementation made in V.


Useful for a quick lookup on a lot of data where accuracy isn't important (See maps for that) without using much memory.

If the hash matches, it MIGHT be inserted before (Because of hash collisions). If it doesn't, the data was NEVER seen before.

More info about bloom filters here

Important note:

The version of this module will remain in 0.x.x unless the language API's are finalized or implemented.

This module will be archived if a native bloom filter is implemented in vlib.


Install the library from git:

v install --git https://github.com/SheatNoisette/bloomfilter.git

Usage quickstart:

import crypto.sha256

import bloomfilter

// ------------------------------------
// Sample usage

// Create a new bloom filter
mut filter := bloomfilter.new()

// Add elements to it
// Same as filter.add('12')

// Check if a element MIGHT be in the filter
if filter.check('Apple') {
    println('Apple might be in the filter')

// Clear the filter - Remove every elements

// ------------------------------------
// Change hash algorithms

// Remove algorithms
// Add new hash functions (Order is important)
filter.add_hash_functions(sha256.hexhash, sha256.hexhash)

// Manual initialization
mut filter_2 := bloomfilter.new_ext(size: 512, hash_functions: [sha256.hexhash])


This library is licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE for more details.