- 2
Unexpected Duration Output
#95 opened by Matt-Jensen - 0
Negative Durations Are Empty
#94 opened by Matt-Jensen - 0
- 0
incorrect output with '#,##0.00' format
#92 opened by jinjin9527 - 1
Uncaught Error: unsupported format |#,###.##|
#91 opened by sarimarton - 3
- 1
- 2
- 4
- 2
IE8 cell.w formatted cell value missing
#45 opened by saw792 - 3
- 1
How to handle comma and thoushand separators
#43 opened by tburd - 1
Custom table formats?
#42 opened by gavinrobertszeco - 2
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<'
#41 opened by mareklanduch - 2
Support formatting mask having more than 4 sections
#28 opened by hy9be - 0
- 1
Cannot place dollar sign after number
#19 opened by wilg - 0
absolute hour issue
#23 opened by reviewher - 0
Miscellaneous formats
#27 opened by reviewher - 0
Currency formatting with negative numbers should place the negative sign outside the currency symbol
#15 opened by wilg - 0
format "Rs."#,###.00
#25 opened by reviewher - 0
format "[$-409]mmm\-yy"
#26 opened by reviewher - 10
incorrect output with '#,##0.0' format
#10 opened by adamgundy - 0
Avoid using `[]` to index into strings
#9 opened by SheetJSDev - 1
Tests time out
#20 opened by wilg - 1
parse_date_code is off by 1 month
#18 opened by teohhanhui - 0
#7 opened by SheetJSDev - 1
Demo JavaScript improvements
#6 opened by clxl - 1
Format Code #,###,#00,000.00,
#4 opened by SheetJSDev - 3
Inaccurate date conversion
#5 opened by SheetJSDev - 1
LibreOffice inconsistencies
#3 opened by SheetJSDev - 0