The application is implemented as DDD implementation using Spring Boot The implementation is a microservices based architecture using the below technologies:
- Spring Boot
- Spring Cloud streams for microservices choreography infrastructure
- RabbitMQ as message broker
- Spring Data for data management
- Eureka Server as Discovery service
#####Import as either gradle project or Intellij Project "From Existing Sources"
Get a running instance from mysql (either local installation - VM or docker )
for docker instance you can
docker run -d --name cargo_db -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root mysql:latest
in that case you need to create user for each microservice
Get a running instance of RabbitMQ can also have a docker container running
docker run -d --hostname localhost --name my-tracker -p 15672:15672 -p 5672:5672 -p 15692:15692 rabbitmq:3-management
Create required exchange of type topic and bind it to the queue with a routing key to avoid any confusion, routing keys exist in
To update the common configurations related to URLS,usernames and passwords you can update this file is copied to all projects resources directory before compileJava
Exchange ( -> Queue (tracker.bookingqueue)
Exchange (tracker.routing) -> Queue (tracker.routingqueue)
Exchange (tracker.handling) -> Queue (tracker.handlingqueue)
This Arrow refers to binding configuration
There is no running dependency between services but functionality-wise service-discovery should be started first and booking service requires routing service to assign route
Actually for now only integration test of both booking and handling services is partially implemented The required test infrastructure is there and running, what comes next is some extra coding