
A WordPress starter theme optimised to contain only the required dependancies you'll need for every project.

Primary LanguageSCSS

Barebones Theme

The Barebones WordPress theme has been optimised to include only the necessary files and dependancies i know i'll require when beginning a new WordPress project. Anything extra i may need is dependant on the needs of the project i'm working on, and is added as and when required on a project per project basis. But usually everything contained in this theme is used on each new WordPress project.

An overview of what this theme contains:

🌐   Webpack - Module bundling and code compiling with webpack

  • Compiles Sass.
  • Supports ES6 Javascript backwards compatibility.
  • Minifies/uglifies JS and CSS for production.
  • Watches your files.

🔥   Functions - Helpful functions to optimise your WordPress theme

  • Main scripts and styles file enqueued and ready to use.
  • A series of functions which removes bloatware from WordPress to speed up your site.

👌   CSS

  • Bootstrap 4 Flexbox Grid - You don't need the whole library if you just need the grid!
  • Normalize.css included.

🙏   Polyfill

  • A simple polyfill script for object-fit included.
  • Modernizr feature detection included.

Get Started

Run npm install to install all the required dependancies for the theme. Then run npm run watch to begin watching your SASS and JS files.

You can now start building your WordPress theme!


The theme contains a polyfills.js file which has a polyfill for object-fit. The object-fit polyfill uses modernizrs detection feature to detect if your browser supports object-fit, if not it gets your image src and adds it to the wrapping div as a background-image provided the wrapping div has a class of ob-image.

How you would use it:

<div class="ob-image">
  <img src="/your-image.jpg" alt="your-image-description" title="your-image-title" />


  • Add a theme cover image


Pull requests welcome!