💻 CS Student and Maths Enthusiast 💻 👾 Creating stuff when I'm not lazy 👾 🎂 July 19th 2002 🎂 🐑 Unhealthy obsession with Haskell 🐑
Snaky's denFrance
Sheinxy's Following
- Adam-AlaniParis , France
- anglnn
- ArthurTakaseMyCompany (MyTraiteur | MyCater)
- augustinbegueEPITA
- barboraplasovskaParis
- BinaryAlienFrance
- Cobaltarena
- EIB444N
- elsakeirouzParis, France
- GiregL
- goblivendEPITA
- Grey999
- hugandhug
- Jul0ow
- laggron42Versailles, France
- liryc116
- LitarvanStockly
- Maikashan
- Matheo-Rome
- Nyxhund
- PoustouFlanEPITA
- QuentinAMEPITA
- Renaud-Dov@epita
- Ronan-pdr@EPITA
- SeowlfhEPITA
- spileurStudent at @EPITA
- TchekdaEntrepreneur
- ThatMatrix
- utybo@alan-eu