
In this repo, I will share my git and GitHub knowledges with you.

Git & GitHub Documentation

  1. git?
    • git is a version control software
    • It keep track of code changes
    • It helps to collaborate in a project
    • It is installed and maintained locally
    • It provides Command Line Interface (CLI)
    • Released in April 7, 2005
    • Developed by Linus Torvalds & Junio C Hamano
  2. github?
    • GitHub is a hosting service where we can keep our git repositiory/folders
    • It is maintained on cloud/web
    • It provides Graphical User Interface (GUI)
    • Founded in 2008

  • Download and install git on your pc: https://git-scm.com/
  • check git version: open terminal or cmd then use the command git --version to find out whether git is installed or not. if git is installed it will return a version number of git.

git configuration

  1. check all configuartion options: git config
  2. set global user name and user email for all repository/git folders (if you want to set different username and email for different git repository then remove --global)
    • set global user name: git config --global user.name "anisul-islam"
    • set global user email: git config --global user.email "anisul2010s@yahoo.co.uk"
  3. list all git configuration:
    • list all the configuration: git config --list
    • list user name: git config user.name
    • list user email: git config user.email
  4. change global username & email
    • change global user name: git config --global user.name "PUT_NEW_USER_NAME_HERE"
    • change global user email: git config --global user.email "PUT_NEW_USER_EMAIL_HERE"

  1. creating a git folder
  • ls -a : list all files inside of a directory

    git init
    mkdir notes
    cd notes
    git init
    ls -a
  1. adding new files in git folder
  • git status : displays the state of the working directory and staging area

    ls -a
    touch fileName.extension
    open fileName.extension
    git status
    touch day1.txt
    open day1.txt
    write something inside the file
  • Git is aware of the file but not added to our git repo

  • Files in git repo can have 2 states – tracked (git knows and added to git repo), untracked (file in the working directory, but not added to the local repository)

  • To make the file trackable stagging or adding is required

  1. adding files to stagging area:
  • git add fileName add a file in staging area / index
  • git add . add all files of directory to stagging area not subdirectory
  • git add -A add all files of directory and subdirectory to stagging area
  • git rm --cached fileName unstage a file from staging area
  • git diff - checking the differences of a staged file
  • git restore fileName - restore the file

  • git commit -m "message" move the file to local repository from stagging area
  • git log check the commit history
  • git reset --soft HEAD^ uncommit the commit in HEAD and move to staging area
  • git reset HEAD^ uncommit the commit in HEAD and move to unstaging / working area
  • git reset --hard HEAD^ uncommit the commit in HEAD and delete the commit completely with all the changes

  • git log --oneline
  • git show
  • git show HEAD^
  • git show commit-id
  • git checkout commit-id
  • git checkout master

  • create a .gitignore file and add the things you do not want to add in the stagging area
  • Inside .gitignore we can keep secret files, hidden files, temporary files, log files
  • secret.txt secret.txt will be ignored
  • *.txt ignore all files with .txt extension
  • !main.txt ignore all files with .txt extension without .main.txt
  • test?.txt ignore all files like test1.txt test2.txt
  • temp/ all the files in temp folders will be ignored

  • sign in to your github account
  • create a git repo

  • Everything you need to know about README.md is discussed in the video.
  • 6 heading levels: number of hashes define heading levels. check the following examples:
    • # heading 1 level text is here
    • ## heading 2 level text is here
  • bold syntax: __text goes here__
  • italic syntax: _text goes here_
  • italic syntax: _text goes here_
  • strikethrouh syntax: ~this is~~
  • single line code syntax: `` place code inside backticks
  • multiple line code syntax: ``` place code inside three open and closing backticks
  • multiple line code syntax: ```html for specific lanaguage use language name when starting; not closing
  • for more please check the video by clicking the link given above

  • check remote connection: git remote or git remote -v
  • git remote add name <REMOTE_URL> example: git remote add origin http://...

  • push a branch git push -u origin branch_name
  • push all branches git push --all
  • pull from a repo: git pull which is equivalent to git fetch + git merge

  • Branch is a new and separate branch of master/main repository
  • create a branch git branch branch_name
  • List branches git branch
  • List all remote branches git branch -r
  • List all local & remote branches git branch -a
  • move to a branch git checkout branch_name
  • create and move to a branch git checkout -b branch_name
  • delete a branch: git branch -d branch_name
  • merge branches:
      git checkout branchName
      git merge branchName
  • git log --oneline --all --graph