Agora React Native Demo

Implementation of Agora's SDK for Video Calling between users in a React Native App.

Installation & Usage

  • Go to, make an account and login to the dashboard.
  • Navigate to the project list tab under projects and create a new project by clicking the green button.
  • Copy your App ID and save it somewhere.
  • Install NPM and Node.js if you don't have it already.
  • Download and extract the zip file from master branch.
  • Run npm install or use yarn to install the app in the unzipped directory.
  • Go to ./components/Home.js and edit line 13 to put your App ID from the dashboard as AppID: 'exampleAppID'
  • Execute react-native link react-native-agora and react-native link react-native-vector-icons.
  • Connect your device or start an AVD then run react-native run-android to start the app.
  • Enter a channel name and hit submit on the device.
  • Use the same channel on a different device, and that's it. You should have a video call going.