
This is a README file for the Just-Juice E-commerce site. The project utilizes React, Redux, Chakra-UI, and other related technologies to create a fully functional ecommerce website for selling juices. It provides a foundation for building an online store with features such as product listings, shopping cart management, user authentication, and more.



Due to the hosting service, first load is always slow as Render works in the background.

Table of Contents


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine using git clone https://github.com/your-username/just-juice.git.
  2. Navigate to the project directory.
  3. Install dependencies:
    • Run npm install in the root directory to install server dependencies.
    • Navigate to the client folder.
    • Run npm install to install the client dependencies.
  4. Create a .env file in the server folder and add necessary environment variables.
  5. Start the client and server simultaneously:
    • In the root directory, run npm run app.
    • This command uses the concurrently package to run the client and server concurrently.
    • The client will be running on http://localhost:3000.
    • The server will be running on http://localhost:5000.
  6. Open your browser and visit http://localhost:3000 to view the Just-Juice application.


The Just-Juice ecommerce site provides the following functionality:

  • Product Listings: Browse and view available juices with details like name, price, and description.
  • Shopping Cart: Add juices to the shopping cart, update quantities, and remove items.
  • Checkout: Proceed to the checkout process, enter shipping and payment information.
  • User Authentication: Register a new account or login with existing credentials.
  • Order History: View past order details and status.
  • Admin Panel: Perform administrative tasks such as adding new products, managing inventory, and more.

Feel free to customize the project according to your specific requirements for the Just-Juice store.

Folder Structure

The folder structure of the Just-Juice project is organized as follows:

├── server
│   ├── middleware
│   ├── models
│   ├── routes
│   ├── database.js
│   ├── index.js
│   └── ...
└── client
    ├── public
    │   └── ...
    └── src
        ├── components
        ├── redux
        ├── screens
        ├── App.js
        ├── index.css
        └── index.js
  • server: Contains the server-side code for handling requests and managing the backend of Just-Juice.

    • middleware: Contains middleware functions for the server.
    • models: Contains the database models for Just-Juice.
    • routes: Defines the routes and endpoints for the Just-Juice API.
    • database.js: Configuration file for connecting to the database.
    • index.js: Entry point of the server application.
  • client: Contains the client-side code for the Just-Juice React application.

    • public: Contains the public assets and the HTML file for the Just-Juice application.
    • src: Contains the main source code of the React application.
      • components: Contains reusable components used throughout the Just-Juice application.
      • redux: Contains Redux actions, reducers, and store configuration for Just-Juice.
      • screens: Defines the different screens/pages of the Just-Juice application.
      • App.js: The main component that renders the Just-Juice application.
      • index.css: Global CSS styles for the Just-Juice application.
      • index.js: Entry point of the Just-Juice application.


The Just-Juice project is built using the following technologies:

  • React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • Redux: A predictable state container for managing application state.
  • React Router: A library for routing and navigation in React applications.
  • Axios: A promise-based HTTP client for making API calls.
  • Chakra-UI: A flexible UI component library for React applications.
  • CSS Modules: A CSS naming convention that allows scoping of styles to specific components.
  • Express.js: A web application framework for building the server-side of Just-Juice.
  • MongoDB: A NoSQL database used for storing data in Just-Juice.
  • Concurrently: A utility for running multiple commands concurrently.
  • Other dependencies as specified in the package.json files.


Contributions to the Just-Juice project are welcome. Feel free to open issues and submit pull requests.

When contributing, please ensure that you follow the existing coding style and conventions.