A Server Module to Build RESTful APIs for Python Fnctions.
This framework forks a new process to run the specified function on each api request.
You can specify a maximum concurrency of the function. The api request is denied if the nubmer of running processes for the function is already reaches the concurrency limitation.
Example Code:
import concurrent.futures import math from restful_functions import ArgDefinition, ArgType, FunctionServer def addition(x: int, y: int): """Simple Funciton.""" return x+y def is_prime(n): if n % 2 == 0: return False sqrt_n = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(n))) for i in range(3, sqrt_n + 1, 2): if n % i == 0: return False return True def multi(): """Heavy Function with MultiProcessing.""" PRIMES = [ 112272535095293, 112582705942171, 112272535095293, 115280095190773, 115797848077099, 1099726899285419] with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor: for number, prime in zip(PRIMES, executor.map(is_prime, PRIMES)): print('%d is prime: %s' % (number, prime)) return True if __name__ == '__main__': server = FunctionServer() server.add_function( addition, # Function [ ArgDefinition('x', ArgType.INTEGER, True, 'A value of X'), ArgDefinition('y', ArgType.INTEGER, True, 'A value of Y'), ], # Args 1, # Max Concurrency 'Simple Awesome Addition' # Description ) server.add_function( multi, [], 2, 'Heavy Function' ) server.start()
Example Usage:
$ curl localhost:8888/ /function/list/data /function/list/text /function/definition/{function_name} /function/running-count/{function_name} /task/info/{task_id} /task/done/{task_id} /task/result/{task_id} /task/list/{function_name} /terminate/function/{function_name} /terminate/task/{task_id} $ curl localhost:8888/function/list/text addition URL: async api: /addition block api: /addition/keep-connection Max Concurrency: 1 Description: Simple Awesome Addition Args x INTEGER Requiered A value of X y INTEGER Requiered A value of Y Timeout: 86400 sec multi URL: async api: /multi block api: /multi/keep-connection Max Concurrency: 2 Description: Heavy Function No Args Timeout: 86400 sec # Call Asynchronous # Obtain task_id $ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: applicaiton/json" -d '{"x":3, "y":6}' http://localhost:8888/addition {"success": true, "message": "", "task_id": "c3a6a0ef-b19e-4e6f-bce3-8d0e5a9046aa"} # Obtain the result by task_id $ curl http://localhost:8888/task/info/c3a6a0ef-b19e-4e6f-bce3-8d0e5a9046aa {"task_id": "c3a6a0ef-b19e-4e6f-bce3-8d0e5a9046aa", "function_name": "addition", "status": "DONE", "result": 9} $ curl http://localhost:8888/task/result/c3a6a0ef-b19e-4e6f-bce3-8d0e5a9046aa 9 # Call synchronous # Keeping the connection until the process ends. $ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: applicaiton/json" -d '{"x":3, "y":6}' http://localhost:8888/addition/keep-connection 9 # Over Max Concurrency $ curl -X POST http://localhost:8888/multi {"success": true, "message": "", "task_id": "5bbbc1a0-74c2-4828-a843-fa2e2363e341"} $ curl -X POST http://localhost:8888/multi {"success": true, "message": "", "task_id": "7729af1f-c766-456e-a516-a75ab5f3a24c"} $ curl -X POST http://localhost:8888/multi {"success": false, "message": "Over Max Concurrency 2", "task_id": ""}
You can set timeout to the functions.
FunctionServer checks timeout to all runninng processes every 60 seconds (default). The interval can be changed with an argument polling_timeout_process_interval.
Example Code:
import time from restful_functions import FunctionServer def long_process(): time.sleep(100) if __name__ == '__main__': # Make polling_timeout_process_interval a small value to confirm a terminated process due to timeout server = FunctionServer(polling_timeout_process_interval=1.0) server.add_function( long_process, [], 1, 'long_process' ) server.start()
Example Usage:
$ curl localhost:8888/ /function/list/data /function/list/text /function/definition/{function_name} /function/running-count/{function_name} /task/info/{task_id} /task/done/{task_id} /task/result/{task_id} /task/list/{function_name} /terminate/function/{function_name} /terminate/task/{task_id} $ curl localhost:8888/function/list/text long_process URL: async api: /long_process block api: /long_process/keep-connection Max Concurrency: 1 Description: timeout test No Args Timeout: 10 sec # Call Asynchronous # Obtain task_id $ curl -X POST http://localhost:8888/long_process {"success": true, "message": "", "task_id": "d6eb93f9-a8e7-4bba-817c-0fd975b3e41a"} # Obtain the result by task_id ## Before 10 seconds at the function called. $ curl http://localhost:8888/task/info/d6eb93f9-a8e7-4bba-817c-0fd975b3e41a {"task_id": "d6eb93f9-a8e7-4bba-817c-0fd975b3e41a", "function_name": "long_process", "status": "RUNNING", "result": "timeout"} ## After 10 seconds at the function called. $ curl http://localhost:8888/task/info/d6eb93f9-a8e7-4bba-817c-0fd975b3e41a {"task_id": "d6eb93f9-a8e7-4bba-817c-0fd975b3e41a", "function_name": "long_process", "status": "TIMEOUT", "result": "timeout"} # Call synchronous # Keeping the connection until the process ends. $ curl -X POST http://localhost:8888/long_process/keep-connection "timeout" # curl request ends after 10 seconds at the function called
- Using
- Docker
- poetry
- Recommended
- VSCode Remote Container Extension
How to run python scripts:
// 1. use `poetry shell` root@0aa0391397dd:/app# poetry shell Spawning shell within /root/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/restful-functions-9TtSrW0h-py3.6 root@0aa0391397dd:/app# . /root/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/restful-functions-9TtSrW0h-py3.6/bin/activate (restful-functions-9TtSrW0h-py3.6) root@0aa0391397dd:/app# python examples/example.py // 2. type `poetry run` every time root@0aa0391397dd:/app# poetry run python examples/example.py