
This project implemented the function of object-tracking through Kernelized Correlation Filter (KCF), based on the code of https://github.com/scott89/KCF. And I added the interface of tracking the object through our own camera, ZED.

Primary LanguageMATLAB


This project implemented the function of object-tracking in real-time through Kernelized Correlation Filter (KCF), based on the code of https://github.com/scott89/KCF.

And I added the interface of tracking the object through our own camera, ZED.

I modified the run_tracker.m ,and created tracker2.m according to tracker.m. tracker2.m can achieve the function of calling the our camera and process the image we captured by the camera.

The usage is :

  • Change the path in run_tracker.m and make sure that the path is right for your computer.
  • run the run_tracker.m ,click the catalogue of 'Camera' and press the button of 'OK'.
  • Then you will see a pitcure that the camera takes. Outline the object you want to track in the image through a rectangle.
  • Press the "Enter", and you can see the real-time tracking result.


  • Change the path in run_tracker.m.
  • Make sure your camera is properly connected to the computer.

That's all. If you have some advice and confusion about this project, please e-mail me through liuxd_sheldon@163.com . I would appreciate it and try my best to help you.