
rust bindings for ctp

Primary LanguageC


CTP sdk version: 6.3.15_20190220 15:47:00

*.hpp and *.cpp are generated by autobind.py, then processed by rust_bindgen. Look at xtp-rs for detail.

Use at your own risk. The crate is unsafe, look at examples/tdapi.rs and examples/mdapi.rs for how to use it.

How to use autobind.py

If you want to generate wrapp.hpp by yourself or wrapper similar apis. You can put your header files in shared/include like I did. Then run

python3 -m pip install libclang
python3 autobind.py > src/wrapper_ext

Those cpp code are included in src/wrapper.hpp, where you can add your custom functions.

Then the rust_bindgen will generate rust extern "C" func_XXX function declarations. Since then all api function should be usable.

There are lots of extern "C" Rust_XXX_Trait_On_XX function inside wrapper_ext, which are colloceted in build.rs to generate nice trait object. Remove it in autobind.py if you don't want it.

where to put my .so files

XXX.so files are not included, please put it like this to satify compiler:

$ tree shared

├── data_collect
│   ├── unix.x86_64
│   │   ├── libLinuxDataCollect.so -> LinuxDataCollect.so
│   │   └── LinuxDataCollect.so
│   ├── windows.x86
│   │   ├── WinDataCollect.dll
│   │   └── WinDataCollect.lib
│   └── windows.x86_x64
│       ├── WinDataCollect.dll
│       └── WinDataCollect.lib
├── include
│   ├── DataCollect.h
│   ├── ThostFtdcMdApi.h
│   ├── ThostFtdcTraderApi.h
│   ├── ThostFtdcUserApiDataType.h
│   └── ThostFtdcUserApiStruct.h
├── md
│   ├── unix.x86_64
│   │   ├── libthostmduserapi_se.so -> thostmduserapi_se.so
│   │   └── thostmduserapi_se.so
│   ├── windows.x86
│   │   ├── thostmduserapi_se.dll
│   │   └── thostmduserapi_se.lib
│   └── windows.x86_x64
│       ├── thostmduserapi_se.dll
│       └── thostmduserapi_se.lib
└── td
    ├── unix.x86_64
    │   ├── libthosttraderapi_se.so -> thosttraderapi_se.so
    │   └── thosttraderapi_se.so
    ├── windows.x86
    │   ├── thosttraderapi_se.dll
    │   └── thosttraderapi_se.lib
    └── windows.x86_x64
        ├── thosttraderapi_se.dll
        └── thosttraderapi_se.lib