
This repository is a collection of Leetcode questions and solutions.

Primary LanguageSwift


This repository is a collection of Leetcode questions and solutions.

To use this project to test the algorithm result.

  1. Go to the view controller class
  2. Invoke the algorithms in viewDidLoad, where I have already put some examples.
  3. Because all the functions are written in the Algorithms class and they are class functions.
  4. To invoke any func, do the following:

This repository will be updated quite often, so please stay tune. Currently it contains:

  1. Two Sum Easy
  2. Integer to Roman Medium
  3. Roman to Integer Easy
  4. Longest Common Prefix Easy
  5. 3Sum Medium
  6. 3Sum Closest Medium
  7. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Medium
  8. 4Sum Medium
  9. Remove Nth Node From End of List Medium
  10. Valid Parentheses Easy
  11. Merge Two Sorted Lists Easy
  12. Generate Parentheses Medium
  13. Merge k Sorted Lists Hard
  14. Swap Nodes in Pairs Medium

Please feel free to check my other repository for iOS tutorials. Each tutorial will have a corresponding video tutorial in my Youtube Channel here: https://Youtube.com/c/iosetutorials.com

Also follow my social account: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iosetutorial/?ref=bookmarks Twitter: https://twitter.com/sheldonwaaaaang Github: https://github.com/SheldonWangRJT My log website: http://iosetutorials.com