Maze project

Background Context

The goal of this project is to create a game in 3D using raycasting!

You don’t have to do the tasks in order, except for the first one (obviously), or if a task depends on a previous one.

You have a link to a very good and very long tutorial about raycasting in the Tips and links section below, so read it very carefully, and practice!

Please have a lot of fun doing this project!



  • All your files will be compiled on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, using gcc (Ubuntu 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04) 4.8.4.
  • We will use the gcc flags -Wall -Werror -Wextra and -pedantic.
  • All your functions must be commented.
  • Your functions should be maximum 40 lines long (one statement per line).
  • Your functions should be maximum 80 columns long.
  • No more than 5 functions per file.


  • Your entire repository will be checked using Betty.
  • Don’t push any object files .o or temporary files *~, or any unused source file if you don’t want to lose points!
  • It is advised to always keep a clear organization in your repository. For example, store all your sources in a src directory, and all your headers in a inc, headers or dependencies folder.

More Info



Clone this repo:

git clone


This project makes use of gcc and make for the compilation process.


Ensure you have gcc, and make(Can install using chocolatey). Then run the following command:



First make sure SDL is installed. If you haven't install SDL by running make linux_install. Then run the following command:

make linux 

to compile.


Ensure sdl is installed. Then run the following command:

make mac


After successfully compiling run the program using following command:

./maze MAP

where MAP is the name of the file found in the maps folder. You can create other maps and pass them while running program as above. Map files accept only the allowed characters.


W - Moving forward

S - Moving backward

A - Look left

D - Look right

Mouse move left/right - look left or right

M - Turn off map visibility. The 2D map won't be visible on clicking

N - Turn on map visibility. The 2D map will be visible again if it wasn't

Have fun!