Michael's Hub

Welcome to my Final Project

Backend Specialization @ALX ° > °


This project aims to learn how to use the Mern Stack by creating a book-store application which comprises of a blend of MongoDB which is a NoSQL, Express.js for UI development and Node.js the framework for constructing the server application

To use clone the repository and run npm start to serve the production app.

To server the development site run npm run dev

Dependencies and packages needed Run in your backend npm init -y to create your package.json file Run npm i to install node modules Node.js


Mongoose npm install mongoose

CORS Policy npm cors

Express and Nodemon npm i express nodemon

Notistack npm i notistack


Create Vite Packages npm create vite@latest

Install modules npm i

Tailwind css modules npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer

Tailwind and Vite config npx tailwindcss init -p

React icons npm i axios react-icons

React-Router npm i react-router-dom

Makes sure your mongo DB server strings is connected to your config.js also

whitelist your ip address on that cluster or expose network to all interface through

Make use of POSTMAN for testing API's

Next open your browser and go to localhost:5555 to see your backend Open localhost:5173 depending on the port offered in your environment to see your frontend