
Server-sent events implementation for Spray and full duplex over SSE.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Server-sent events implementation for Spray and full duplex over SSE.

How to use

Scala projects using SBT can start using this library in two simple steps:

Add this to your project/plugins.sbt:

resolvers += "TNM" at "https://nexus.thenewmotion.com/content/groups/public"

and add a library dependency in your build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "com.thenewmotion" %% "spray-sse" % "0.4"


This repository started its life as spray_sse by siriux. At The New Motion we have renamed it to spray-sse to better fit the convention of the Spray project and our own libraries.

We have turned it into a ready-to-use library and make releases of it to our own public repository.