
Start a cluster in EC2 for dask.distributed

Primary LanguagePython

Dask EC2 Build Status Coverage Status

Easily launch a cluster on Amazon EC2 configured with dask.distributed, Jupyter Notebooks, and Anaconda.


You also install dask-ec2 using pip:

$ pip install dask-ec2

You can also install dask-ec2 and its dependencies from the conda-forge repository using conda:

$ conda install dask-ec2 -c conda-forge


Note: dask-ec2 uses boto3 to interact with Amazon EC2. You can configure your AWS credentials using Environment Variables or Configuration Files.

The dask-ec2 up command can be used to create and provision a cluster on Amazon EC2:

$ dask-ec2 up --help
Usage: dask-ec2 up [OPTIONS]

  --keyname TEXT                Keyname on EC2 console  [required]
  --keypair PATH                Path to the keypair that matches the keyname
  --name TEXT                   Tag name on EC2
  --tags TEXT                   Additional EC2 tags.  Comma separated K:V
                                pairs: K1:V1,K2:V2
  --region-name TEXT            AWS region  [default: us-east-1]
  --vpc-id TEXT                 EC2 VPC ID
  --subnet-id TEXT              EC2 Subnet ID on the VPC
  --iaminstance-name TEXT       IAM Instance Name
  --ami TEXT                    EC2 AMI  [default: ami-d05e75b8]
  --username TEXT               User to SSH to the AMI  [default: ubuntu]
  --type TEXT                   EC2 Instance Type  [default: m3.2xlarge]
  --count INTEGER               Number of nodes  [default: 4]
  --security-group TEXT         Security Group Name  [default: dask-ec2-default]
  --security-group-id TEXT      Security Group ID (overwrites Security Group
  --volume-type TEXT            Root volume type  [default: gp2]
  --volume-size INTEGER         Root volume size (GB)  [default: 500]
  --file PATH                   File to save the metadata  [default:
  --provision / --no-provision  Provision salt on the nodes  [default: True]
  --anaconda / --no-anaconda    Bootstrap anaconda  [default: True]
  --dask / --no-dask            Install Dask.Distributed in the cluster
                                [default: True]
  --notebook / --no-notebook    Start a Jupyter Notebook in the head node
                                [default: True]
  --nprocs INTEGER              Number of processes per worker  [default: 1]
  --source / --no-source        Install Dask/Distributed from git master
                                [default: False]
  -h, --help                    Show this message and exit.

The minimal required arguments for the dask-ec2 up command are:

$ dask-ec2 up --keyname my_aws_key --keypair ~/.ssh/my_aws_key.pem

This will create a cluster.yaml in the directory that it was executed, and this file is required to use the other commands in the CLI.

Once a cluster is running, the dask-ec2 command can be used to create or destroy a cluster, ssh into nodes, or other functions:

$ dask-ec2
Usage: dask-ec2 [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --version   Show the version and exit.
  -h, --help  Show this message and exit.

  anaconda          Provision anaconda
  dask-distributed  dask.distributed option
  destroy           Destroy cluster
  notebook          Provision the Jupyter notebook
  provision         Provision salt instances
  ssh               SSH to one of the node. 0-index
  up                Launch instances