Node Express handlebars



This week I was tasked to create a burger logic using MySQL, Node, Express, Handlebars and an ORM. I used Node and MySQL to query and route the data and Handlebars to generate the HTML. The user can add new burgers and when they click "DEVOUR!", the burger they chose will appear under a devoured table. I used three separate routes, and three separate queries to accomplish this, a GET, POST and PUT request. Queries included, SELECT ALL, UPDATE, and INSERT INTO.


The program is meant to allow the user to add content to the data and then see that content be updated in the form of moving from left to right on the page. For example, if you type a "Cheeseburger" and click add, "Cheeseburger" will appear on the left side with a "DEVOUR" button. When you click the "DEVOUR" button, "Cheeseburger will move to the right.


burger - Copy

See the Live app here


Shelsy Barrera