06 Server-Side APIs: Weather Dashboard


This week I was tasked to create a site that takes a users input and with the OpenWeather API retrieves data for the city searched. It must feature content updated dynamically using Javascript. For this I mainly used functions, for loops and DOM selectors. On search users can see the overall daily forecast of the city they selected and a 5 day future forecast.

The data from the OpenWeather API includes:

  • City
  • Date
  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Wind Speeds
  • UV index
  • Icon representing the weather conditions
  • Color varying for favorable, moderate, or severe uv index


shellsea31 github io_Weather_Dashboard_

_C__Users_shels_Desktop_Homework_06-Homework_index html

Search the weather in your city by clicking here


Shelsy Barrera