This is my Quarto template to create a nice "published paper" quality PDF for scholarly work. The style is inspired by Steven V. Miller's R Markdown article templates which I used for many years and Andrew Heiss's Hikmah templates and draws LaTeX code from both sources. You can see a preview of the template at
To install this template as an extension for an existing document, run the following command in your project working directory:
quarto install extension AaronGullickson/aog-article-quarto
To your quarto document yaml, add:
keep-tex: true
Or, alternatively, from the command line:
quarto render article.qmd --to aog-article-pdf
If you want to start a new article from the template or just check out the existing test document, run the following command:
quarto use template AaronGullickson/aog-article-quarto
You can render the template.qmd
provided to try it out.
The template uses two custom arguments, shorttitle
and shortauthors
to control a fancy top header. These can be specified in the yaml header like:
title: The Full Really Long Title
shorttitle: A Short Title
shortauthors: Johnson, et. al.
This short authors argument will appear in the upper left of each page and the short title will appear in the upper right.
Because the template only uses custom headers and tex partials, all of the customization available to the regular PDF format will work with this template. In particular, here are all of the standard settings used by the template which can be overridden by the YAML in the user's document:
papersize: letter
# Replace fonts with any fonts available to the *system*
mainfont: Baskerville
sansfont: Futura
fontsize: 12pt
geometry: margin=1in
fig-height: 4 # smaller fig heights make floating easier
fig-width: 7.5 # set to the (full width - margins) of letter
fig-pos: "!t"
colorlinks: true
urlcolor: red