
2D & 3D Function Plotter for Terminal use

Primary LanguagePython


Program for plotting 2D & 3D functions from direct input, written in Python 3 for Linux terminal. Uses matplotlib and numpy libraries.


How to setup:

In terminal/cmd prompt, clone the repository into you desired location:

foo@bar:~$ git clone https://github.com/Shellywell123/Function_Plotter.git

How to update:

Navigate to program directory:

foo@bar:~$ cd Function_Plotter/

In terminal/cmd prompt, pull the latest version:

foo@bar:~$ git pull

How to run:

For 2D functions, in terminal/cmd prompt, execute 'run2d.py' with python 3:

foo@bar:~$ python3 run2d.py

For 3D functions, in terminal/cmd prompt, execute 'run3d.py' with python 3:

foo@bar:~$ python3 run3d.py


  • Supports 2D and 3D functions

  • Supports many mathematical functions:

    • sin, cos, tan, arcsin, arccos, arctan
    • sinh, cosh, tanh, arcsinh, arccosh, arctanh
    • log, log10_
    • abs
    • sqrt
    • x^n, x**n
  • Supports many mathematical constants:

    • pi
    • e
    • i
  • Supports multiple input forms:

    • y = f(x,z), y = f(x), y = f(z)
    • x = f(y,z), x = f(y), x = f(z)
    • z = f(x,y), z = f(x), z = f(y)
  • User inputted funtion limits

    • e.g y = 4x + 1 #0<x<4
  • Can input multiple functions at a time

    • e.g y = 4x + 1, x = -y + 7
  • Library of functions that can be added to and called with direct aliases:

    • Library's current contents:
      • Letters: B, C, E, F, H, L, N, T, Z
      • Logos: batman, heart
    • See examples below to see how they can be called
  • Coming Soon

    • Parametric equations
    • Planes and vectors
    • Polar, Cylindrical, Spherical and Toroidal
    • Complete library of letters and numbers plotted in 2d-3d, allowing words and simple sentences to be graphed.

Fixes to be made

  • Some features break after one false input


1) Simple Triginometry Example

In terminal/cmd prompt:

foo@bar:~$ python3 run3d.py
input your function:
>> z = x*sin(y)**2



2) Batman Function (alias funtions)

In terminal/cmd prompt:

foo@bar:~$ python3 run3d.py
input your function:
>> batman



3) Multiple Functions with set ranges in 2D (Box)

In terminal/cmd prompt:

foo@bar:~$ python3 run2d.py
input your function:
>> y=1 #-1<x<1, y=-1 #-1<x<1, x=1 #-1<y<1, x=-1 #-1<y<1


4) Multiple Functions in 3D

In terminal/cmd prompt:

foo@bar:~$ python3 run3d.py
input your function:
>> y=z,y=-z,y=x,y=-x,z=x,z=-x


4) Complex Example

In terminal/cmd prompt:

foo@bar:~$ python3 run2d.py
input your function:
>> y=x, y=(i**2)*x

