chmod 0600 volumes/pgadmin/pgpassfile && chown 5050:5050 volumes/pgadmin/pgpassfile
- Install Docker version >= 17.03.X
- Install Docker-compose version >= 1.13.X
- Adding user to docker group =>
sudo gpasswd -a $USER docker
- disable postgresql and redis if running locally
sudo systemctl stop postgresql.service
sudo systemctl stop redis-server.service
- Run:
docker-compose pull --parallel
# Init database
docker-compose up -d postgres
./ postgres /
# Init Default VHost and perms in rabbit
docker-compose up -d rabbit
./ rabbit /
# Little Note in some cases redis container doesn't recognize volumes permissions
# so you have to force a 777 chmod ¡¡¡EXCEPT THE VOLUME rabbit!!!
sudo chmod 777 -R volumes/logs
# Init everything else
docker-compose up # Will take a few to run all the migrations
- Ones sentry finish with all the migrations you have to visit http://localhost:9000
- username: docker
- password: docker
- Click on Accept (for docker default settings)
- Enjoy
- For Web Interface visit http://localhost:15672/
- username: docker
- password: docker
- Must link/create
for downloads & samba share ./volumes/Torrents/.transmission-daemon
lives transmission folder./volumes/Torrents/.flexget
lives flexget config
- Must link/create
for downloads
After the setup you'll only have to run docker-compose up [-d]
# -d is for dettached mode (background)
This run the command with params inside the container and exit.
This will attach you to the container with a bash shell