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GamerOnBoard is a B2C (business-to-consumer) board game web store which aims to audiences, such as families, tabletop gamers, or collectors and specialising in strategic and role-playing board games.
This project is my take on this timeless game and the aim of this project is to build an interactive front-end webpage which uses HTML, CSS and most importantly JavaScript.
Shemmylicious Food is a food recipe blog designed to allow the User to find and review recipes as well as join a community of like-minded people gathered around a passion for food and interested in exchanging their ideas and views on food.
Mr&Mrs Cleaners is a variation on live business webpage of my friends and is intended to showcase web-technologies (HTML and CSS) and provide new, atractive solutions to presenting their business content to potential new and existing customers. This project is made for educational purposes.
It is a Python terminal game, deployed on Heroku using Code Institute's mock terminal to run. This project has been designed for educational purposes
Walkthrough projects
I Think Therefore I Blog - CI walkthrough
Blog with Django Project co. with CI
ShemmyYo's Repositories
ShemmyYo doesn’t have any repository yet.