[ICML 2023] MTPD: Learning Lightweight Object Detectors via Multi-Teacher Progressive Distillation

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

MTPD: Learning Lightweight Object Detectors via Multi-Teacher Progressive Distillation

This is the official PyTorch implementation of our ICML 2023 paper:

Learning Lightweight Object Detectors via Multi-Teacher Progressive Distillation

Shengcao Cao, Mengtian Li, James Hays, Deva Ramanan, Yu-Xiong Wang, Liang-Yan Gui



Environment Setup

If you just want to test and use our distilled student detector models, installing MMDetection is enough. Our code and experiments were developed based on MMDetection v2.19.0, but newer versions should also be compatible.

If you want to train student models with MTPD + MGD, please first check the original documentation of MGD for its environment setup, and then add our new code from mtpd_mgd to MMDetection.

Model Weights

Here we list the model weights for the best results included in our paper:

Student Teachers Student Performance (Box AP / Mask AP) Weights
RetinaNet/ResNet-50 Retinanet/ResNet-101 -> RetinaNet/ResNeXt-101 41.7 link
RetinaNet/ResNet-50 Retinanet/Swin-T -> Retinanet/Swin-S 42.0 link
Mask R-CNN/ResNet-50 Cascade Mask R-CNN/ResNet-50-DCN -> Cascade Mask R-CNN/ResNeXt-101-DCN 42.5 / 38.2 link
Mask R-CNN/ResNet-50 Mask R-CNN/Swin-T -> Mask R-CNN/Swin-S 42.6 / 38.4 link
RepPoints/ResNet-50 RepPoints/ResNet-101 -> RepPoints/ResNeXt-101-DCN 42.9 link


Testing Existing Models

You may use the original tool scripts and configuration files from MMDetection to test our distilled student detector models. For example, to evaluate a RetinaNet student with 8 GPUs, run:

bash tools/dist_test.sh \
    configs/retinanet/retinanet_r50_fpn_1x_coco.py \
    /path/to/weights/retinanet_r50-swint-swins.pth \
    8 \
    --work-dir /path/to/eval/retinanet_r50-swint-swins \
    --eval bbox

To evaluate a Mask R-CNN student, run:

bash tools/dist_test.sh \
    configs/mask_rcnn/mask_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_coco.py \
    /path/to/weights/mask_rcnn_r50-swint-swins.pth \
    8 \
    --work-dir /path/to/eval/mask_rcnn_r50-swint-swins \
    --eval bbox segm

Training with MTPD

Here is an example for distilling RetinaNet/ResNet-50 student with Retinanet/ResNet-101 -> RetinaNet/ResNeXt-101 teachers:

# activate MGD environment
conda activate mgd

# distill with the first teacher RetinaNet/ResNet-101
bash tools/dist_train.sh \
    configs/distillers/mgd/retinanet/retina_r101_distill_retina_r50_fpn_1x_coco.py \
    8 \
    --work-dir save/retinanet/retina_r101_distill_retina_r50_fpn_1x_coco

# convert the checkpoint to student-only weights
python tools/pth_transfer.py --mgd_path save/retinanet/retina_r101_distill_retina_r50_fpn_1x_coco/latest.pth --output_path save/retinanet/retina_r101_distill_retina_r50_fpn_1x_coco/student.pth

# distill with the second teacher RetinaNet/ResNeXt-101
# we need to set the student weights from the previous step, and prevent the student from being initialized with the teacher weights
bash tools/dist_train.sh \
    configs/distillers/mgd/retinanet/retina_rx101_64x4d_distill_retina_r50_fpn_1x_coco.py \
    8 \
    --work-dir save/retinanet/retina_rx101_64x4d_distill_retina_r50_fpn_1x_coco \
    --cfg-options distiller.student_pretrained="save/retinanet/retina_r101_distill_retina_r50_fpn_1x_coco/student.pth" \


If you use our method, code, or results in your research, please consider citing our paper:

  title={Learning Lightweight Object Detectors via Multi-Teacher Progressive Distillation},
  author={Cao, Shengcao and Li, Mengtian and Hays, James and Ramanan, Deva and Wang, Yu-Xiong and Gui, Liangyan},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning},


This project is released under the Apache 2.0 license. Other codes from open source repository follows the original distributive licenses.