EDUC450B Video Analysis

This is the repository that stores my attempts at quantitative video data analysis using FFmpeg and R.

I am using MacOS, and the troubleshooting and instructions below might not work for the other OSs.


FFmpeg is a free and open-source software for handling videos. It is a cross-platform command line tool. Some of its helpful functions are included in this website. This Youtube video also did an awesome job explaining its main features.

Installing FFmpeg

Solution 1:

Use homebrew to install FFmpeg in the terminal

brew install ffmpeg

Then, copy the installed folder to the directory /usr/local/bin.

Solution 2:

Download the software from the official website.

Follow the instructions in the document.

Then, copy the installed folder to the directory /usr/local/bin.


To work with video data in R, install imager:


if having problems with loading imager, try installing xQuartz first.

imager manipulates video data by using FFmpeg. Reset the path of R to include a path to FFmpeg. For me, typing this in the R console works:

Sys.setenv(PATH = paste("/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg", Sys.getenv("PATH"), sep=":"))