This is a RPN(reverse polish notation) calculator demo.
Although a demo, all classes are designed to be extended, and replaced to make up a more powerful calculator, for example:
- One can replace RPNParser with a PNParse or InfixExpressionParser, while other part do not need to change.
- One can implement a common-subexpression-extract-optimizer for ExpressionEvaluator.
- One can add imaginary-number, vector or even matrix support with adding new Operator and extending Parser.
- Run command line RPNCalculator with
- Run examples with
Built and tested with:
- openjdk-16
- gradle 7.1
- Build with:
- Tokenization
- Input: List of String as input string.
- output: List of Token stands for const value or math operator.
- Parse
- Input: PreviousExpressionStack, List of Token.
- Output: Pop old Expression on PreviousExpressionStack and push new Expressions into it.
- Evaluate
- Generate ExecutionPlan (Not implemented)
- Input: List of Expression on the stack.
- Output: DAG of ExecutionBlock.
- Optimize (Not implemented)
- Input: DAG of ExecutionBlock.
- Output: DAG of ExecutionBlock.
- Execute (Only naive implementation)
- Input: DAG of ExecutionBlock.
- Output: Evaluated Expression on the stack.
- Generate ExecutionPlan (Not implemented)
- Can be invoked and used from command line.
- Preprocess and convert user input to data structure which RPNCalculator expects.
- Show usage guide.
- Show readable error prompt if exists.
- Use parser to convert input sting into Expression.
- Use ExpressionEvaluator to get result of expression.
- Commit calculation and update ExpressionStack.
- Control behavior of following calculation on error.
- If an error occurred when parsing expression, an error prompt shows and further expression is not evaluated. (as required in doc.)
- If an error occurred when evaluating expression, an error prompt shows and whole expression this batch is not evaluated. (not mentioned in doc.)
- Divided by zero.
- Sqrt(-1) when use a RealNumber calculator.
Used to record previous calculated expressions.
- Store expression on the stack.
- Takes a serial of tokens as input and output an Expression. Currently, only RPNParser supported, may support other parser in the future.
Expression separates parsing of input and evaluating of input.
- Formed by operators in shape of a tree.
- Represents result of other operators.
- Can be further processed by operator.
In the future, calculator may support heavy calculation, which multithreading execution may be needed.
- Take an Expression and build an execution plan.
- Optimize the execution plan.
- Evaluate expression(maybe parallel) according to execution plan.
An operator receives a number of ordered Expressions and generate a new Expression.
Typical operator:
- ConstValue-operator: adding a const value to calculator stack is abstracted as an operator.
- Math-operator: perform '+', '-', '*', '/', 'sqrt'.
- Undo-operator: undo previous ConstValue-operator / Math-operator
- Cannot undo Undo-Operator, Clear-operator.
- An operator cause error, such as divided by zero can be undone. For example: "1 0 /" can raise an exception while "1 0 / undo" will not.
- Clear-operator: remove all expression on the stack.
- Store a string representing an Expression or Operator.
- Record debug info such as line number and column number.
- Add limitation on:
- Max number of undo-operation, or all expression should be saved in memory. (Current no such limit)
- Maximum and minimum number allowed in input and on the stack.(Current no such limit)
- Add configuration:
- Precision of value in calculation(Default 15)
- Precision of displayed number.(Default 10)
- Add type check when parsing instead of runtime check.
- Add sonar to check style.