Program to control one or two UR3e robots using a Leap Motion hand tracking camera.
- This project could not have been completed without the help of:
- Xiaomeng Shi, Assistant Teaching Professor at Widener University
- Jack Merhar
- Brennon Conner
- Keanu Williams
- Emily Wolfe
- Leap Motion Hand Tracking Camera
- Leap Motion Gemini SDK (
- Numpy Python Module (
- Quaternion Python Module (
- UR-RTDE Python Module (
- Robotiq Hand-E for gripper usage
- Universal Robots UR3e Robot(s) or the UR3e Linux simulator
- Visual Studio 2019 dlls required for running the LeapMotionC.exe program
- ucrtbased.dll
- vcruntime140d.dll
- Start program with correct Host PC IP Address and UR3e Robot IP Addresses.
- Start LeapMotionC.exe program with Leap Motion plugged into PC and Leap Motion Control Panel Running.
- Begin control of robotic arms by moving your hands to the virtual position of the robotic end effector positions and opening the palms.
- Close and open the Robotiq grippers by piching the thumb and index finger together.
- Stop control boy making a fist with each respective hand and moving hands away from the virtal robotic end effector positions.
- Source code for the LeapMotionC.exe program is provided as HandTrackingMain.c and can be edited and recompiled by linking the LeapMotionSDK into your coding environment.
Control System Diagram:
Hand Tracking Control Videos: