
Search or scroll through the list of my favorite books.

Primary LanguageDart


Search or scroll through the list of my favorite books.

This project uses https://api.itbook.store/ API to retrieve a list of books depending on a searched keyword. We can see more details and write notes about each book by clicking on its card.

Project was build using the Provider package as a state management. The provider we created allows yo populate a list of books depending on the keyword searched and to pass it down into the widget tree and to provide and cache its information.

For the API call the http package was used to send our request to via network to the API endpoints.

The url_launcher package is used to allow users to navigate to the links available in the books'description using the phone's navigator.

In order to keep a history of the searches the shared_preferences package was use to save the data into the user's phone storage and to read search history