
ElasticSearch integration with DBIx models

Primary LanguagePerl


This is no longer maintained. Please see the fork: https://github.com/itnode/DBIx-Class-Elasticsearch


Install as a submodule

$ git submodule add git@github.com:ShepFc3/ElasticDBIx.git lib/ElasticDBIx
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update


Copy elastic_search.yml.sample to elastic_search.yml

edit file to reflect your elastic search settings

Include the base directory

use lib '/base/dir/lib';

you only need this if lib is already in your path

Include ElasticDBIx::Schema (optional)

use base qw(ElasticDBIx::Schema DBIx::Class::Schema);

you need this if you want to use index_all

Create ElasticResult

Create a new class that includes ElasticDBIx::Result and DBIx::Class::Core

package MyApp::ElasticResult;

use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(ElasticDBIx::Result DBIx::Class::Core);


Use ElasticResult in your Result class

use base qw(MyApp::ElasticResult);

Define searchable columns in your Result class

__PACKAGE__->add_columns("id", { searchable => 1 });

Create ElasticResultSet (optional)

package MyApp::ElasticResultSet;

use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw(ElasticDBIx::ResultSet DBIx::Class::ResultSet);


Use ElasticResult

use base qw(MyApp::ElasticResultSet);

use this to be able to batch_index a specific resultset
neccessary when using ElasticDBIx::Schema


Batch index all DBIx classes with searchable fields


Index all searchable fields for a row

my $result = $schema->resultset('Artist')->find(1);

Batch index all searchable fields within the given resultset
