
[SCHOOL PROJECT] Connect Flower : An application in C to follow the state of a plant ( Raspberry 3b+, C, python, arduino, mysql )

Primary LanguageC

DEV Project - GROUPE N°07

Table of contents

General info

It is a school project designed over a year. The subject being imposed on us, here is what we did. The members of the group are :
   - GRELET Théo alias @Sheraw91 (https://github.com/Sheraw91)
   - JEAN-CHARLES Dany alias @Weder77 (https://github.com/Weder77)
   - LECLERC Loris (Leave on April 2nd)
   - RAMOS LAGE Clément (Arrived on June 4th) alias @MENT3 (https://github.com/MENT3)
   - DE WEERD Damien (Arrived on June 14th)

Returns made:
    - Rendering 1 - January 25 : Algo, initial analysis
    - Rendering 2 - February 28 : graphical interface, circulation in pages
    - Rendering 3 - April 2 : Modeling
    - Rendering 4 - May 3 : database + query
    - Rendering 5 - June 4 : Finalizing applications
    - FINAL - June 24 : IoT


Project is created with:

  • C
  • Mysql Api
  • Arduino
  • Raspberry 3 B+


To run this project, you need to install mysql with brew.

Brew installation ( ignore this step if you have already brew ) :

$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" 

Mysql installation :

$ brew install mysql
$ mysql.server start
$ cd merise
$ mysql -uroot
$ exit
$ mysql -uroot ConnectF < uf_dev.SQL
$ mysql -uroot
$ use ConnectF;
$ exit

Next, launch algo_plante.c

$ git clone https://github.com/Weder77/UF_DEV.git
$ cd UF_DEV
$ cd algorithmique
$ export LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/
$ gcc -o ter `mysql_config --cflags` algo_plante.c `mysql_config --libs` 
$ ./ter