
Math notes from my whole degree :-) (And one CS class, and some fun physics)

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Math Notes

This repository contains assorted math, physics, and computer science notes from my degree.

  • calculus-and-analysis/: calculus, differential equations, and PDEs.
    • calculus.pdf: summary of Calculus 1 (derivatives) to calculus 4 (vector calculus).
    • math-141.pdf: course notes of Calculus 2 (Fall 2017).
    • math-222.pdf: course notes of Calculus 3 (Winter 2018).
    • math-254.pdf: summary notes of Analysis 1 (Fall 2018).
    • math-454.pdf: summary notes of Analysis 3 (Fall 2019).
    • math-455-final.pdf, math-455-midterm.pdf: summary notes of Analysis 4 (Winter 2020).
    • math-475.pdf: summary notes of PDEs (Fall 2019).
  • geometry/: differential geometry.
    • math-458.pdf: course notes for Differential Geometry (Winter 2020).
  • linear-algebra/: linear algebra and algebra.
    • math-133.pdf: summary notes of Linear Algebra and Geometry (Fall 2017).
    • math-247.pdf: summary notes of Applied Linear Algebra (Winter 2018).
  • physics/: assorted physics notes and reports.
    • math-470.pdf: slides from mathematical quantum mechanics report.
    • phys-514.pdf: course notes from General Relativity (incomplete) (Winter 2021).
  • prob-and-stats/: assorted class notes of probability and statistics.
    • math-357.pdf: course notes of Statistics (Winter 2020).
    • math-587.pdf: course notes of Advanced Probability Theory 1 (Fall 2021).
    • math-589.pdf: course notes of Advanced Probability Theory 2 (Winter 2022).
  • reports/:
    • ergodic-theory.pdf: final project for Non-Linear Dynamics and Chaos (Fall 2019).
    • lie-groups-and-PDE.pdf: final project for PDEs 2 (Winter 2023).
    • lorentzian-causality-theory.pdf: final report for DRP (Fall 2019).
  • teaching/: assorted materials from teaching and tutoring.
    • calculus/:
      • math314-meeting-1-suggested-exercises.pdf: from Stewart's calculus.
      • math314-meeting-1.pdf: from Stewart's calculus.
    • linear-algebra/:
      • math133-midterm1-fact-sheet-fall-2021.pdf: summary sheet for Midterm 1 of Math 133 (Fall 2021).