

Primary LanguagePython


Weatherify is a web application that provides users with weather information and personalized recommendations for current weather conditions. It integrates with the OpenWeatherMap API for weather data and utilizes a neural network-based (NLPT) chatbot to generate recommendations.


  • Display current weather information for a given location.
  • Allow users to interact with a chatbot to receive personalized recommendations based on the weather.
  • Responsive design for seamless user experience.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend:

    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JavaScript
    • Bootstrap
  • Backend:

    • Flask (Python)
  • APIs:

    • OpenWeatherMap API
  • Neural Network:

    • NLPT


  1. Clone the repository.

  2. Install dependencies.

  3. Make API call.

  4. Run the Flask app.

  5. Access the application in your web browser.


  • OpenWeatherMap for providing weather data.
  • Natural Language Processing Toolkit for the chatbot functionality.
  • Bootstrap for the responsive design.

Loom Video

Page Interface

Weatherify App Weatherify App