OS-2_Project - (Readers and Writers Problem)

Os-2 project built to solve Readers&Writers Problem using Synchronization tools. in this project we were working on the "Readers and writers Problem" using a real-world application "An airline reservation system" using multithreaded approach; that gurantee to satisfy the 3 main testing approaches: Mutual-exclusion, Progress and, bounding-waiting.

Problem nature circumstances :

  1. No two Writers are allowed to WRITE at the same time. [Mutual-Exclusion].
  2. The Reader/s aren't allowed to read until the Writers finish the process of writing to not fall in flase-data or temp-data.
  3. Reader/s can do both operations READ and WRITE after assuring that the all Writers finished the process of writing.

-- all the special cases as (Starvation or Deadlock) got handled due to problem nature in the normal test of the process the critical section getting accessed based on.

the base solution and for more refrences we recommend to check the link below :

-->Geeks for Geeks/Reader and Writers problem

(this is the generic solution to avoid the conflict between our solution and the declared above and it tests differnt circumstences)

(the genreric solution is more trusted for the educational purposes, for us we developed our own solution based on our vision and understanding of problem nature and the real-world application itself.)

The Project Idea

the idea was very basic and, fascinating, in the most reservation we need to guarantee the system has a huge number of users to insert their data and book tickets. they need to log in and then start to reserve the flight for the chosen place we cut down the system at the moment that the requests are sent (reservation requests) we skipped all the other processes before this like logging in, filling the data fields, and choosing the flight destination all were pre-built inside the classes we were working on making the solution has some kind of (Randomness Factor) like the Names, Phone numbers, Tickets, and initialized a set of randomizers to generate or pick data from the pre-defined data and create a single object refered to single Agent/Writer.

Project components and structures

The project used the standard components of JAVA and OOP dependent and also used MVC design pattern

Components :

  1. Models
  • Flight,FlightDate
  • Passenger
  • Ticket
  • Sadly we couldn't develop a GUI for this project
  1. Controllers
  • FlightController
  • PassengerController
  • TicketController

The Followed Premises for the business : (all real-life obstacles are NOT included)

1. The number of the reserves per person

the approach that we followed, any person can reserve for a group or for himself and for this we build the system to cope up with this functionality, the agent could reserve 1,2 or 3 seat/s in one single reservation ; (Randomizer) handled this task

2. The Free number of seats is controlled the available seats are tested after each reservation process if the seats are not matched with the number of reservers

we were delaying the flight to the upcoming day, ( we assumed that it's the company responsibility to availability a new flight for the Agents ) and for this we were always initializing 2 flights to save the (current flight) and (delayed flight) concurrent flight reservation.

(the solution for the real-world could not be the optimal one, and we were considering that while designing because the AIM of the project is not developing the system but focuses more on applying the THREADs concept on the system)

Project Main Components

🔘 Randomizer

The Randomizer one of the main components or i can say it's the Backbone of this project, it is the data generator and gurantee the variation of Agents/Writers Data the Randomizer was simulating the process of loginning, filling out the data and related stuff becuase we were out of data and we wanted to generate ours randomly

Randomizer work idea : the Randomizer nothing more than method that manipulates a Range of number or a fixed array the array could represents the pre-defined names or phone numbers (check out the Models package to get more infos.) the range of numbers could be represented in Ticket ID we determined a specific range to our Tickets and the randomizer assign a ticket for each Client/Writer.

(we solved the multiple assignment by increasing the range of ticket inclusion where the redundancy could be minimum as possible)

🔘 Semaphore

Semaphore is a well-known solution (technique) for solving concurrency related problems semaphore controlling the threads. by organizing the access for multiple threads for a single resource (critcal section) by intializing the semaphore it requests a permit to access this critical section using two main methods :

  1. signal() (to notify the next thread that the current thread had left the critical section)
  2. wait() (to notify the next thread their is a currently using the critical section critical section)

in our problem representation we did the same thing to our reserve every Agent was entering the critical section was notifying all the waiting threads to wait using wait() function, when it leaves notify all the waiting threads using signal() to let a new thread comes in to the critical section

Critical Section = a reservation process for each reserve

(to read mora about the Semaphore please check the link below)

--> Wikipedia/Semaphore in Programming


for next update

  • project expected updates and .
  • discuss the importance of choosing semaphore on synchronized method
  • Project is under maintenance =======

project is going to be refactord and updated, the current version has a set of insufficiencies. We are Planning to slove.