
Power BI dashboard displaying feedback from customers from a hotel describing their stay and all other facilities. The analysis calculates the NPS score and segment them as promotors or not with a threshhold.

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The Power BI dashboard is a tool for analyzing and visualizing feedback from customers who have stayed at a hotel and used its facilities. The feedback includes a range of data points, such as the quality of the room, the cleanliness of the hotel, the friendliness of staff, and the quality of food and beverage options.

Using this data, the dashboard calculates the Net Promoter Score (NPS), a measure of customer loyalty that assesses the likelihood that a customer will recommend the hotel to others. The NPS score is calculated by subtracting the percentage of customers who are detractors (rating of 0-6) from the percentage of customers who are promoters (rating of 9-10).

The dashboard also segments customers into different categories based on their NPS score, classifying them as promoters, passives, or detractors. These categories can be customized to fit the specific needs of the hotel, with a threshold set for what is considered a promoter or detractor.

Overall, this dashboard provides valuable insights for hotel management, allowing them to identify areas for improvement and focus on providing the best possible customer experience. By tracking NPS scores and customer feedback, hotels can continually adapt and improve their facilities and services to meet the changing needs of their guests.