Hunter's Moon is an entertainment terminal application that revolves around the gambling model. You take part as the captain of a highly advanced spaceship from an interstellar civilization. Your aim is to travel between galactic bodies to harvest ores as your civilization is threatened from diminishing supplies. Earth is suggested to have ample supplies of ore and you go to investigate. You begin the invasion but quickly realize that your fuel supply is limited.
The aim of the game is to score as many points as possible in the form of ores before your fuel supply is exhausted. The model of the game is as follows:
- List of Continents to invade is displayed with their risk, rewards and odds of success
- Player chooses a number and the invasion begins
- If successful, player scores fuel and/or ores depending on the Continent. If unsuccessful, player's fuel spply is penalized
- If player has remaining fuel, they are prompted to further invade other Continents (or the same)
- Game ends when player's fuel supply is exhausted
- colorize and terminal-table gems are utilized to improve the game interface
- ASCII art is implemented to present a retro experience
- Incorporated classes and modules to avoid code repitition and clutter
The following gems are required:
$ gem install colorize
$ gem install terminal-table
- Run script to start the application
$ ruby main.rb
- Press "1" to Play Game
- Select a Continent to invade by pressing "1" - "7". If successful, fuel and/or ore is rewarded
- If unsuccessful, fuel will be penalized by a magnitude associated with the Continent chosen
- Player will be prompted again to invade another Continent until fuel drops to zero
- When fuel reaches zero, game over!
- Press "2" for high score
- Press "x" to exit
- Incorporate Hard Mode
- Link a CSV so history of high scores can be maintained
- Further refactoring
- Simon Truong
- Sherin Samuel
- Bashir Towdiee