
By Sheru Shafiq,


This Portfolio is based on the following projects:


The project was introduced to us by our coach (Bob van den Berge). Together in collaboration with Wintor, we were able to create a VR app for our client, Stichting Woon. The app was created in Unity within 10 sprints. It's available in 2 different languages and isstill used by the client to educate people on economical awareness.

The dashboard app was my first project at Headline Interactive during my Internship. The idea was to build a live dashboard that displayed live analytics of all the company's projects and turned the system off and on scheduled timings. The app was made in React(My first React app) within 2 sprints and also received a maintenance patch. There are two versions of this app, a custom-built one with all the necessary keys and data pre-loaded for In-House usage, and a public version that anyone can customize and use.

The project was more of a feature expansion, suggested by myself to my boss. During my process of looking and applying for a placement, I felt a severe lack of information on the company's job application section. My boss loved the idea, and the project was concluded within 3 sprints.


After our Kickoff meeting, the first step was to get a clear understanding of the client's wishes. So we saw fit to create a UML Diagram that can help us visualize the structure of the application. So we may better plan our workflow and how we will approach each story. Lucid Chart was used to create the diagram. Furthermore, since this was a collaborative project between the ROC and Bit Academy, the ROC student's presentation proved very useful to give us a basic understanding of the expected 3D environment.

One of the most important steps to this project was its designing, as one of the core aspects was for it to match the parent website's themes, styling, colours and animations perfectly. Making sure that the end user does not feel a difference between the parent website and the expansion. Hence, together with our lead Designer Erwin, I spent most of the first sprint getting the design as accurately as possible on both mobile and desktop.

Right after our Kickoff meeting, the first step was to get a clear understanding of the client's wishes. So we saw fit to create a UML Diagram that can help us visualize the structure of the application. So we may better plan our workflow and how we will approach each story. Lucid Chart was used to create the diagram. Furthermore, since this was a collaborative project between the ROC and Bit Academy, the ROC student's presentation proved very useful to give us a basic understanding of the expected 3D environment.


As soon as my proposal was submitted to the client, I, together with all involved team members, started planning and created a 3 sprint long, day by day plan that covered everything from kickoff to demo and ensured all the standard scrum practices were executed. As this project was also an essential learning experience for me to broaden my know-how of working in a team.

Right after our briefing meeting, we began planning the structure and flow of the app. As it is a 3D experience, we must account for every possible action, view and behaviour that we expect from the end user. To help visualize the structure of the app we created a UML Diagram in accordance with what we understood from the kickoff meeting notes and the presentation given by the ROC students.

It isn't exactly anything significant at this moment, but I have been spending a lot of time outside of work times learning ReactTHREE.fiber and WebGL as working with 3D on the web fascinates me and I have been pre-planning a personal project, at the moment, it's just a UML diagram and minor planning at the moment, but I do think it's worth a mention if we are mentioning in planning.

At my internship, I had a chance to help the Stoptober crew in the planning phase. I was mostly in charge of prototyping and market research, and it was truly a very informative experience. In the planning phase, I had the chance to research the smoking apps market very extensively on both Android and IOS platforms and present it to folks from VPRO. I also got the chance to broaden my knowledge about flutter while prototyping for the app. Due to confidential reasons, however, I am legally not allowed to share things like testing environments, documentation, tests and internal designs etc. So, unfortunately, I can't provide proof for most things.


I pride myself on how heavily I documented this project, a day-by-day log, workflow plan, board exports, commit history and test plans can be found below. These documents are detailed enough to easily portray every step that was taken to realise the app from design to code.


The app was tested thoroughly in the Cypress testing framework. Each user story was given its own test plan and scope to ensure that the application functioned optimally under all circumstances. Testing documentation can be found below.

PS: The testing process is still ongoing. So not all user stories have been completely tested yet.


One of the rather large component was outlined by one of my colleagues, hence I very recently have refactored the component and better documented it to ensure better readability and reusability. You can see the changes and reviews by my senior in the pull request below.


We have conducted RetroSpectives during our project to ensure that any issues we have had during the sprint do not repeat. It also helped us a lot in developing better communication between the team and addressing all and every pain point comfortably and properly. Retrospective notes can be found below.


Thanks to robust planning and impeccable respect for schedule from the entire team, we managed to complete the project in the expected time and I got the chance to this feature expansion. One of my colleagues was nice enough to record it for me(Recording Link below). More details on the demo, like the presentation and notes can also be found below.

This project is quite near and dear to my heart, as it was received quite well by the client, coaches and end users as well. This project allowed me to meet amazing people from a lot of different professions that I otherwise would've never had the chance to. Unfortunately due to technical difficulties with our version control system and educational platform Jarvis we have lost a lot of our data regarding this project. But some of the recordings and images from our demos can be found below.