- Last version: 1.1.2
RTB is a simple WordPress widget which show random author quotes in the sidebar. Its really useful for share lots of quotes, storys and more.
You must to write that quotes before using the form.
1) copy the folder 'random-text-box' inside WordPress plugin folder:
2) Go to plugin settings->plugins->add new, and active it.
4) There should be a new form in the admin dashboard, use it to add new quotes.
5) At the widget panel, you will find the RTB widget. Drop it to the sidebar column
or wherever you want.
Yes, of course! but be cafeful: if you update in the future, it could be overwritten again.
I will upload some new designs and options soon, watch for it :)
Creator: Schrott Gerardo
License: GPL-3.0
Version. 1.1.2 Stable
Github: https://github.com/schrottgerardo/random-text-box