
Compile Failed on Ubuntu16.04 TeXstudio using PdfLaTeX

Opened this issue · 5 comments

line 38: Undefined control sequence. \makecover
line 38: Undefined control sequence. \makecover
line 38: Undefined control sequence. \makecover
line 38: Argument of extract@rangefontinfo has an extra }. \makecover
line 38: Paragraph ended before extract@rangefontinfo was complete. \makecover
line 38: Undefined control sequence. \makecover
line 38: Undefined control sequence. \makecover
line 38: Undefined control sequence. \makecover
line 38: Undefined control sequence. \makecover
line 38: Undefined control sequence. \makecover
line 38: Undefined control sequence. \makecover
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line 38: Undefined control sequence. \makecover
line 38: Undefined control sequence. \makecover
line 38: Undefined control sequence. \makecover
line 38: Undefined control sequence. \makecover
line 38: Undefined control sequence. \makecover
: fontenc already loaded - some fonts may be unprocessed.

Sorry the template was not well-tested and documented. I forget the version of the successful build and cannot reproduce the result now. Feel free to fork it and modify as your wish ;)


  • It's little stupid to install MiKTeX on Ubuntu16.04...

Install MiKTeX for Linux

Complication is always complicated. Have not used latex for years, not sure if there are better solutions.


Thanks for your contribution. The pdftexify works well except that I found the Chinese reference were not supported and I didn't figure it out. Do u have any ideas?