
A protocol for two-way communication with a PC via a COM port (Desktop)

Primary LanguageJava

Embedded Systems Software (lab-5)

A protocol for two-way communication with a PC via a COM port.

Implemented functionality

  • Start/Stop receiving data from all sensors.
  • Charts that receive data from the light sensor, potentiometer and temperature sensor.
  • CheckBoxes by start/stop receiving data from specific sensors.
  • ChoiceBox by changing delay time (1000/3000).
  • Music player with ability change volume by potentiometer.
  • Alert with sound by minimum temperature (+15 °C).

Get Started

  • Check which COM port is being used (CoolTerm or Device Manager). After that you should change the COM port number in the service/config/SerialPortConfig.
  • Depending on the microcontroller and multi-purpose shield, it is recommended to ping microcontroller first using CoolTerm or similar.