Persona 4 Data Site

This is a site made for personal use - I found it difficult to look up information on my aging iPad while playing due to non-mobile-friendly sites (many large images, small search boxes, ads slowing down loading time, etc.). So my solution was to make a proxy site of sorts - some of the information is stored locally, some of it is pulled from a wiki. This allowed me to centralize the information and make some visual/usability improvements. This application is normally hosted on a raspberry pi and not available publicly.

Of course, it has taken me much longer to work on this site than I have been actually playing the game... but I suppose I'll be ready for the next time I pick it up!


  • Larger links / clickable areas
  • High-contrast colors for better visibility
  • No images - all the design is done with CSS
  • Search will suggest names as they are entered into the search box. The suggestions can then be clicked/tapped for faster searching.
  • Search will scrape persona data from the wiki and display the stats / skills.
  • Most of the heavy lifting is done server-side, with a minimum of javascript to aid with typing input.
  • All the information/links I've needed to look up during a play session is all in one place, including social link guides, school questions, lunch ingredients, and the fusion calculator.
  • No ads!

Progress / Bugs

  • All the links are functional, but some areas still need to be refined.
  • Lunch data needs to be formatted and organized.
  • Some of the school questions may not be linked to the correct dates. (This requires some testing)
  • Search is working, but the results are sometimes improperly formatted. (Unsure if this is due to the source, formatting on my end, or both)
  • Clipping on the calculator iframe. I haven't figured out a solution to this yet.
  • Some of the information may be incorrect (ex. lunch favorites/dates) - this was due to some scarcity of information (and really isn't that significant). As this is an older/unchanging game, most of the data should be correct, assuming it was displayed correctly here.
  • Quest data - no progress made on this yet.
  • Formatting may look odd depending on different orientation / resolution - I haven't properly tweaked this yet, but it's been good enough so far.
