
A Python script to create audio files based on frequecny, frame rates and length.

Primary LanguagePython


A Python script to create audio files based on frequecny, frame rates and length. The script was tested with Python 3.6.

The script takes 3 arguments: frequency, frame rate and duration to generate a pure tone audio file in WAV format.

In case an ultrasonic tone is required, an adequate, higher frame rate is required to sample it correctly.


The arguments can be given by command line arguments or by using a GUI, which is based on PySimpleGUI.

The scripts can use command line arguments:

For example:

    python tonegen.py -f 440 -r 44100 -t 5 -g


        f: frequeny in Hz

        r: frame rate in frames/second

        t: length of audio file in seconds

        g: Graphics Userr Interface (GUI)

if the '-g' argument is provided, a dialog box appears with any of the provided arguments (none of the arguments is mandatory). If '-g' is not provided, all of the arguments must be provided.

Output File

The result is a WAV file, named as follows:


    For example:


        Where the name is composed of:

            440Hz_- the provided frequency, in Hz, followed by an underscore

            2.0s - audio length, in seconds

            .wav - the extension of the audio format


A WAV file, 300Hz_3.0s.wav, is provided as a sample. The file was generted with the following paramters:

Frequeny: 300 Hz

Frame rate: 41,000 frames/second

Duration: 3 seconds