game theory

  • [] TODO: 修改 formula/下的符号计算脚本,使得其能够自动化推断纳什均衡,要求适用范围为符号化表示的博弈收益矩阵:如何转化为矩阵方程?或者如何进行不等式推导


os: linux

we use vcpkg to manage our dependencies, so you need to install vcpkg in your environment and make sure that vcpkg in your path environment variable. For some libraries can't install by vcpkg, we use git submodule to manage them (they are in ./third_party). our git submodule use the ssh protocol, so you need to set your ssh key in your github account first. if you encounter web connection problem, we also recommand you to use ssh url<path> for git submodule As for vcpkg, we don't know how to change its downloading protocol from https to ssh, so when you encounter web connection problem, you can only wait for it to finish or just try again.

we use c++ to simulate the game, use python to analyze data, draw pictures and use python to automatically derive formulas.

The python code is all put into the .ipynb file by us, and the running results and formula derivation process are attached, so you may also need to install jupyter notebook to render the .ipynb file.

Or you can use IDE that support rendering .ipynb file, such as pycharm, vscode and so on.

python virtual environment

the python packages needed are in requirements.txt.


  1. build the c++ project
  2. run ./build/reputation_effects --help to see the command line options.

or simply run ./build/reputation_effects to run the program with default options.


./build/reputation_effects --threads 12 --population 160 --stepNum 1000

C++ project build

install C++ packages with vcpkg

cat packages.txt | xargs vcpkg install

It is recommand to use IDE to load the cmake project.

or use command line:

cd <project root>
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<vcpkg root>/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake -DEABLE_ASSERTS=OFF # -DEABLE_ASSERTS=OFF will disable asserts and speed up the program by enabling compiler optimization flags -O3

For loading the config file in ./norm, ./strategy and so on, you may need to move the exe file to the root of the project before running it.









 * @file rock-paper-scissors.cpp
 * @author ShiWenber (
 * @brief 石头剪刀布博弈模拟
 * @version 0.1
 * @date 2023-09-12
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023

#include <iostream>
// 导入字典类型
#include <fmt/ranges.h>

#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
#include <map>
#include <string>

#include "Action.hpp"
#include "Norm.hpp"
#include "PayoffMatrix.hpp"
#include "Player.hpp"
#include "Strategy.hpp"

#define REPUTATION_STR "reputation"

using namespace std;

int main() {
  // 博弈参数
  int stepNum = 100;
  cout << "---" << endl;

  // 加载norm
  Norm norm("./norm.csv");
  fmt::print("norm: {}\n", norm.getNormTableStr());

  // 加载payoffMatrix
  cout << "---------->>" << endl;
  PayoffMatrix payoffMatrix_g("./GPayoffMatrix.csv");
  fmt::print("payoffMatrix_g: {}\n", payoffMatrix_g.getPayoffMatrixStr());
  // 输出需要赋值的所有变量
  fmt::print("vars: {}\n", payoffMatrix_g.getVars());
  cout << "after assign:" << endl;

  // vars: {b: 0, beta: 0, c: 0, gamma: 0, lambda: 0, }
  // 赋值后
  payoffMatrix_g.updateVar("b", 1);
  payoffMatrix_g.updateVar("beta", 1);
  payoffMatrix_g.updateVar("c", 1);
  payoffMatrix_g.updateVar("gamma", 1);
  //   payoffMatrix_g.updateVar("lambda", 1);
  fmt::print("vars: {}\n", payoffMatrix_g.getVars());

  cout << "after eval:" << endl;
  for (int r = 0; r < payoffMatrix_g.getRowNum(); r++) {
    for (int c = 0; c < payoffMatrix_g.getColNum(); c++) {
      for (int p = 0; p < payoffMatrix_g.getPlayerNum(); p++) {
        cout << payoffMatrix_g.getPayoffMatrix()[r][c][p] << ",";
      cout << "\t";
    cout << endl;
  cout << "---------<<" << endl;

  cout << "--------->>" << endl;
  PayoffMatrix payoffMatrix_b("./BPayoffMatrix.csv");
  fmt::print("payoffMatrix_b: {}\n", payoffMatrix_b.getPayoffMatrixStr());
  // 输出需要赋值的所有变量
  fmt::print("payoffMatrix_b vars: {}\n", payoffMatrix_b.getVars());

  // vars: {b: 0, beta: 0, c: 0, gamma: 0, lambda: 0, }
  // 赋值后
  payoffMatrix_b.updateVar("b", 1);
  payoffMatrix_b.updateVar("beta", 1);
  payoffMatrix_b.updateVar("c", 1);
  payoffMatrix_b.updateVar("gamma", 1);
  //   payoffMatrix_b.updateVar("lambda", 1);
  cout << "after assign:" << endl;
  fmt::print("payoffMatrix_b vars: {}\n", payoffMatrix_b.getVars());

  cout << "after eval:" << endl;
  for (int r = 0; r < payoffMatrix_b.getRowNum(); r++) {
    for (int c = 0; c < payoffMatrix_b.getColNum(); c++) {
      for (int p = 0; p < payoffMatrix_b.getPlayerNum(); p++) {
        cout << payoffMatrix_b.getPayoffMatrix()[r][c][p] << ",";
      cout << "\t";
    cout << endl;

  cout << "---------<<" << endl;

  // 设置公共信息
  //   Player::addCommonInfo("lambda", 1);
  fmt::print("commonInfo: {}\n", Player::getCommonInfo());

  // 初始化两个博弈玩家
  vector<Action> donorActions;
  donorActions.push_back(Action("C", 0));
  donorActions.push_back(Action("D", 1));
  Player donor("donor", 0, donorActions);
  vector<Strategy> donorStrategies;
  donorStrategies.push_back(Strategy("C", 0));
  donorStrategies.push_back(Strategy("OC", 1));
  donorStrategies.push_back(Strategy("OD", 2));
  donorStrategies.push_back(Strategy("D", 3));
  fmt::print("donorStrategies: {}\n", donor.getStrategyTables());
  // TODO: 设置初始策略

  vector<Action> recipientActions;
  recipientActions.push_back(Action("C", 0));
  recipientActions.push_back(Action("D", 1));
  Player recipient("recipient", 0, recipientActions);
  vector<Strategy> recipientStrategies;
  recipientStrategies.push_back(Strategy("NR", 0));
  recipientStrategies.push_back(Strategy("SR", 1));
  recipientStrategies.push_back(Strategy("AR", 2));
  recipientStrategies.push_back(Strategy("UR", 3));

  fmt::print("recipientStrategies: {}\n", recipient.getStrategyTables());
  // TODO: 设置初始化策略

  // 给声誉一个 0-1 的随机整数
  // 时间随机种子
  unsigned seed = chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
  default_random_engine gen(seed);
  uniform_int_distribution<int> dis(0, 1);
  recipient.addVar(REPUTATION_STR, dis(gen));
  fmt::print("recipient vars: {}\n", recipient.getVars());

  for (int step = 0; step < stepNum; step++) {
    // 博弈测试,一轮
    // 设置donor和recipient为随机策略
    // 设置随机数0-3
    uniform_int_distribution<int> dis2(0, 3);

    cout << endl << "-------------------- step " << step << endl;
    // 第一阶段 donor 行动
    Action donorAction = donor.donate(
    fmt::print("donorStrategy:{0}, donorAction: {1}\n",
               donor.getStrategy().getName(), donorAction.getName());
    // 第二阶段 recipient 行动,记录本轮声望
    Action recipientAction = recipient.reward(donorAction.getName());
    double currentReputation = recipient.getVarValue(REPUTATION_STR);
    fmt::print("recipientStrategy:{0}, recipientAction: {1}\n",
               recipient.getStrategy().getName(), recipientAction.getName());
    // 第三阶段 更新recipient 的声誉
    double newReputation = norm.getReputation(donorAction, recipientAction);
    fmt::print("reputation : {} -> ", currentReputation);
    fmt::print("new: {} \n", newReputation);
    recipient.updateVar(REPUTATION_STR, newReputation);
    // 第四阶段 结算双方收益
    double donorPayoff, recipientPayoff;
    if (currentReputation == 1) {
      donorPayoff = payoffMatrix_g.getPayoff(donor.getStrategy(),
      recipientPayoff = payoffMatrix_g.getPayoff(donor.getStrategy(),
    } else if (currentReputation == 0) {
      donorPayoff = payoffMatrix_b.getPayoff(donor.getStrategy(),
      recipientPayoff = payoffMatrix_b.getPayoff(donor.getStrategy(),
    fmt::print("donor:{0}, recipient:{1}", donorPayoff, recipientPayoff);

  return 0;


// 第一个循环是每对博弈者独立交互,可并行,内部都是简单操作,没有循环,并行可能副作用 并行模块1
for (int i = 0; i < population; i++) {

// 会将 deltaScore 存入每个博弈者

// 第二个循环是基于前一个循环记录的deltaScore来计算每个人的策略如何转变,内部有大循环,该循环建议并行 并行模块2
for (int i = 0; i < population; i++) {

// 会将每个博弈者如何转变策略记录下来

// 遍历每个策略的集合并应用转变,donor和recipient相互独立且内部有大循环,建议并行 并行模块3

// 模块1-deltaScore->模块2-转变->模块3 有先后顺序的依赖,模块间不允许并行

当程序因为异常停止,如果输出异常信息为 no alter strategy 可能表示所有的博弈者都采用了同一策略,已经没有策略可以转变了

我还需要一个东西帮我自动推导不同norm下的matrix payoff matrix