Original environment is Ubuntu Linux.
Program written in C.
gcc compiler.
Implement MergeSort, HeapSort and QuickSort, and analyze their time complexity and efficiency by looking at the operations made and time taken by each algorithm.
sort.h: sorting algorithm implementation.
io.h: input/output control.
genVec.c: program to generate data.
driver.c: run sorting on the generated data.
setVec.txt: settings for generating data.
setSort.txt: settings for sorting.
tabulate.c: automaticly generate data and run sorting based on the two setting files.
gcc -o genVec genVec.c
gcc -o driver driver.c
./genVec START END n l (e.g. ./genVec 0 99 1024 3, which means generate 1024 vectors of length 3 with integer values ranging from 0 to 99). See more info within genVec.c
./driver sortAlg data writeOpt (e.g. ./driver M o w, which means run MergeSort on original random data and write sorted data to file). See more info within driver.c
gcc -o tabulate tabulate.c
./tabulate settings_for_vector settings_for_sort (e.g ./tabulate setVec.txt setSort.txt)
(optional) append "|&tee result.txt" to save terminal output to file (running time and comparisons made)
If found data.txt, that is the original random data; if found aadt.txt, that is the sorted data; if found tdaa.txt, that is the reversed data.
Deterministic pivot based on median of median, quick select Kth smallest elements in an array.
To generate vectors:
Note that in here it generates vectors of various lengths. Then in Radix Sorting, the program will append 0 if the vector is shorter than VECTOR_LENGTH and will neglect trailing numbers.
To do Radix Sorting:
Implemented by Shibo Yao, espoyao(at)gmail(dot)com