
WordPress application skeleton is project template

Primary LanguagePHP

WordPress Project Skeleton

WordPress application skeleton is project template to use WordPress with composer and Git. This would be very helpful when developing WordPress project as a team or enterprise level.


Download or Clone

Download using "Download ZIP" option or clone the repository using one of the following command based on your references.

HTTPS: https://github.com/Shifrin/wp-skeleton.git

SSH: git@github.com:Shifrin/wp-skeleton.git

GitHub Cli: gh repo clone Shifrin/wp-skeleton


Run composer install composer install


You can find a config.php inside the config folder once composer installed finished, if not create one from the config.sample.php. And adjust configurations according to your environment.

Make sure index.php inside the public folder exists if not copy index.php from WordPress directory (public/wp) and fix the path of wp-blog-header.php.