
This is a small and simple cloud storage system designed to store single files on a remote server within the same network.

Table of contents


The aim of this project is to provide an easy and fast way to store files on a server in the network. Therefore the server must run on a device which can be addressed by the client.

The remote server saves files in its local file system. Because of that the data integrity is dependent on the device the server is running on.

The program was developed on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and compiled with gcc (Ubuntu 9.3.0-17ubuntu1~20.04) 9.3.0.

For Windows users WSL 2 is recommended with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

This is a project i wrote to expand my C knowledge and practice programming. Bugs and runtime errors can occur.


  • File storage on a remote system
  • Password based authentication
  • Remote access via TCP scokets
  • Serverside logging
  • Easy terminal use




To build the server use the Makefile.

The server requires a configuration file to start. The path to this file needs to be passed as the first argument to the server.

Example configuration file:

port 8080
receive_timeout 0
max_clients 500
cloud_directory cloud/
client_database_path config/client_database.txt
client_credentials_path config/credentials.txt
server_log_path Log/server.log
client_log_directory Log/

Keyword description:

Keyword Description Required
port The port the server should listen for clients yes
receive_timeout The time for the server to wait for an answer from the client before removing it. 0 -> infinite No
max_clients Maximum number of clients for the server to accept. If not given defaults to 10 No
cloud_directory Path to the directory which holds all the clients directories yes
client_database_path Path of the file which holds client id`s and the directory paths for the clients yes
client_credentials_path Path of the file which holds clients passwords yes
server_log_path Path to the logging file for the server no
client_log_directory Path to the directory which holds the clients logs no

Example server start:

./server yourconfigfile

The program will automatically create the given directories and files.


To build the server use the Makefile.

The client requires a configuration file to start. The path to this file needs to be passed as the first argument to the client.

Example configuration file:

port 8080
receive_timeout 0
identity_path config/identity.txt

Keyword description:

Keyword Description Required
ip The ip address of the server yes
port The port the server is listening for clients yes
receive_timeout The time for the client to wait for an answer from the server before disconnecting. 0 -> infinite No
identity_path Path to the file which holds the id of the client. If not given a new one will be created No

Example client start:

./client yourconfigfile

The program will automatically create the given directories and files.



While running the server will display logs.
Currently there is no interaction between server and user. To stop the server press enter.


After executing the client will try to connect with the server. if a connection is established the server will request a password. If the password is correct the user now can start using the cloud.

Command Arguments Description
exit None Ends the connection and exits the client
list / ls None Shows a list of all the files currently saved in the cloud
push Local-Filename Pushes the file on the cloud. Filename is the path to the file in the local filesystem
pull Cloud-Filename Local-Filename Pulls the cloud file and saves it in the local file
delete Cloud-Filename Shows the Ascii contents of a file in the cloud
cls / clear None Clears the terminal
help None Displays a help page