
thxx: libtorch C++ API extentions and examples

Primary LanguageC++Boost Software License 1.0BSL-1.0

thxx - libtorch C++ API extentions


CI status


compiler conda package latest zip
gcc-7 gcc-7 gcc-7
gcc-8 gcc-8 gcc-7
clang-5 clang-5 clang-5
clang-6 clang-6 clang-6
clang-7 clang-7 clang-6


  • gcc 7, 8 or clang 5, 6, 7
  • compiler option -std=c++17
  • libtorch 1.0.0 (recommend conda install pytorch-cpu=1.0.0 -c pytorch)

how to run

  • using conda (recommend)
$ conda install pytorch-cpu=1.0.0 -c pytorch
$ make test
$ make example-mnist
  • using libtorch latest zip
$ cd 
$ make --directory ./third_party libtorch-shared-with-deps-latest.zip
$ make test
$ make example-mnist

for more details, see .travis.yml.


functional meta modules

  • thxx::meta::Lambda<...> : torch::nn::ModuleHolder<...>
auto x = torch::rand({2, 3, 4});

// single input/output
Lambda f1 = lambda([](auto&& x) { return x * 2; });
auto x1 = f1->forward(x);
CHECK_THAT( x1, testing::TensorEq(x * 2) );

// multi input/output
Lambda f2 = lambda([](auto&& x1, auto&& x2) { return std::make_tuple(x1.relu(), x2 * 2); });
    auto [a, b] = f2->forward(x, x);
    CHECK_THAT( a, testing::TensorEq(torch::relu(x)) );
    CHECK_THAT( b, testing::TensorEq(x * 2) );
    // automatic tuple arg unpack
    auto [a, b] = f1->forward(std::make_tuple(x, x));
    CHECK_THAT( a, testing::TensorEq(torch::relu(x)) );
    CHECK_THAT( b, testing::TensorEq(x * 2) );
  • thxx::meta::Seq<...> : torch::nn::ModuleHolder<...>
auto x1 = torch::rand({2, 3, 4});

// single input/output with Lambda
auto f1 = torch::nn::Linear(4, 5);
auto f2 = sequential(f1, lambda(torch::relu));
auto x2 = f2->forward(x1);
CHECK_THAT( x2, testing::TensorEq(torch::relu(f1->forward(x1)) );

// share submodules/parameters
CHECK_THAT( f2->parameters[0], testing::TensorEq(f1->weight) );
CHECK_THAT( f2->parameters[1], testing::TensorEq(f1->bias) );

// also support multi input/output with Lambda
auto f3 = lambda([](auto&& x1, auto&& x2) { return std::make_tuple(x1, x2 * 2); });
auto f4 = sequential(f3, f3);;
auto [x3, x4] = f4->forward(x1);
CHECK_THAT( x3, testing::TensorEq(x1) );
CHECK_THAT( x4, testing::TensorEq(x1 * 4) );

see test/test_meta.cpp


  • Transformer
    • MultiHeadedAttention
    • PositionalEncoding
    • PositionwiseFeedforward
    • pad/masking functions
  • Normalization
    • LayerNorm
  • Math (wip)
  • Loss
    • label smoothing KLDivLoss

see test/test_net.cpp


  • HDF5 (wip)
  • numpy (wip)


mnist example is forked from https://github.com/goldsborough/examples/tree/cpp/cpp/mnist

