
This repository is featuring a classic ElGamal Scheme implementation in Circom with focus on experimenting with exponentiation in a circuit. Note that this implementation is intentionally insecure and designed for educational purposes.


  • Classic ElGamal Scheme Circuit in Circom
  • Additively Homomorphic Properties (secret encoding => generatorsecret)
  • Mainly for playing around with Exponentiation which is quite challenging in circom.
  • Note:
    • This implementation is not secure and only meant for learning purposes!
    • For further details, refer to the Security section.


See this notion page that I wrote for better Understanding Secure ElGamal Encryption Scheme.


npm install to install all dependencies


npm test to run Typescript & Circuit tests.

Note: If you have an error complaining about circom version run rm -rf "./node_modules/circom" to fix the error.


  • Similar to DH encryption, the security of ElGamal Encryption Scheme is based on the assumption of the Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP).

  • The recommended size for both private keys and public keys should be at least 2,048 bits size-wise (617digits).

  • The private & public keys are constrained to the size of the field element which is around 254 bits ==> The Classic ElGamal implementation in circom is not secure!

  • 2253 already overflows 253-bit unsigned integer ==> to prevent overflows, the possible maximum exponent value is 252.

  • Since 2253 can be described inside the circom integer range(the circom prime number is larger than 2253) ==> not secure for cryptographic algorithms based on the DLP assupmtion.

  • For this POC implementation, the maximum size for the secret is chosen to be ~254 bits which increased the security a little bit but caused overflows that inhibited the homomorphic properties of ElGamal Scheme.