
Animated hydrological cycle

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Story of the water journey on the earth surface

The 'figures' folder include all the images used in this website. 
THe 'scripts' folder include all the python codes to create the major of figures. To reproduce the plottiing process, you need to download the required data from TraCE-21ka simulation website (https://www.earthsystemgrid.org/project/trace.html) at first.
The 'markdownToc_files' folder include the files to make the side navigation bar feasible. To see the full effect of water cycle wiki, you need to download the 'markdownToc_files' folder and water_cycle_wiki.html and then put them in the same folder. 
The 'Geoscientific project - Shihan Li' file is the slides for the final presentation of this project.
The 'Project report - Shihan Li' folder contains the report for this project.


		Shihan Li

		Shihan Li

Feel free to use any materials in this repository! Any questions, please contact through shihan@tamu.edu